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Text File  |  1997-07-09  |  3KB  |  33 lines

  1. "hear"        "her"         "heer"        "I * with my ears."         "hear"
  2. "here"        "hear"        "hare"        "Please come *."            "here"
  3. "walk"        "wok"         "wlak"        "Lets * to school."         "walk"
  4. "lake"        "lak"         "lack"        "Lets go swimming in the *."              "lake"
  5. "started"     "strted"      "sterted"     "I * to walk when I was a young baby."    "started."
  6. "long"        "lng"         "lung"        "A mile is a * way to walk."              "long"
  7. "water"       "wuter"       "wter"        "The lake is full of *."    "water"
  8. "ride"        "wride"       "rode"        "I get a * to school on the bus."         "ride"
  9. "truck"       "track"       "tuck"        "The * drove past our house."             "truck"
  10. "asked"       "askd"        "asced"       "He * for one of my cookies."             "asked"
  11. "rake"        "rack"        "raced"       "Please * the leaves."      "rake"
  12. "darted"      "derted"      "durted"      "The dog * across the street."            "darted"
  13. "song"        "sung"        "sng"         "Dad sang a * to me."       "song"
  14. "hide"        "highd"       "hode"        "Lets play * and seek."     "hide"
  15. "stuck"       "stock"       "stukk"       "The bubble gum * to her lips."           "stuck"
  16. "bake"        "bke"         "baake"       "Lets * a cake."            "bake"
  17. "parted"      "prted"       "ported"      "The two friends * company."              "parted"
  18. "belong"      "blong"       "belng"       "That doll will soon * to me."            "belong"
  19. "side"        "sde"         "sude"        "I have a pain in my *."    "side"
  20. "muck"        "mck"         "mock"        "The pigs were rolling in the *."         "muck"
  21. "United States"             "Uninted States"            "United Stats"              "The *  is a wonderful country to live in."             "united states of america.wav"
  22. ""            ""            ""            ""            ""
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